Sharp Brand Strategy

We are not just a creative ally.

Our mission is to sculpt brands that stand tall and tell captivating stories that forge deep connections with your brand.
Welcome to the realm where ideas become strategies, and strategies transform into brand legends.
Through a rock-solid strategy, we are here to shape brands that thrive and evolve consistently in this dynamic world.

Our Approach

Building A
Brand Key

Creating a brand key involves a strategic
and thoughtful approach to articulate and define
the essence of a brand. A brand key typically
consists of several components such as

Brand Audit and Research

Internal and External analysis of the brand

Identify Core Values

Define the fundamental principles and values of the

Define Brand Mission

Clearly articular what is the brand aiming to achieve beyond just selling a product or service

Target Audience Definition

Identify and profile the
target audience.

Brand Personality

Define the brand's personality traits. This helps in creating
a consistent brand voice.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Identify what sets the brand apart from competitors.

Brand Promise

Craft a succinct statement that encapsulates the brand's core promise.

Brand Positioning

Determine how the brand wants to be perceived in the minds of its target audience.

Brand Visual Identity

Visual elements such as logo, color palette, typography and imagery that represent the brand visually.

Brand Communication Guidelines

This includes messaging tone, language, and style.

Brand Experience

This includes interactions
in-store, online, customer service, and post-purchase engagement.


A comprehensive document that serves as a reference for all internal and external stakeholders

Brand Positioning

A positioning workshop, when done effectively, becomes a catalyst for refining and strengthening a brand’s identity in the marketplace.
It ensures that the brand communicates a compelling and differentiated positioning that resonates with its audience.

Why Brands Need
A Positioning Workshop?

Clarity and Consistency

It brings clarity to what the brand stands for and ensures consistency in messaging across various channels.

Helps identify and emphasize what makes the product or brand unique in a crowded market.

By incorporating customer insights and needs, the workshop ensures that the brand positioning resonates with the target audience.

It aligns internal teams on the core message and helps everyone understand their role in delivering the brand promise.

Encourages creative thinking and innovation in how the brand can deliver value.

The Brand
Positioning Process

A positioning workshop is a strategic session
where key stakeholders come together to define,
refine, and articulate the positioning of
a product, service, or brand. The purpose of
a positioning workshop is to clarify and
solidify the unique value that a product
or brand offers to its target audience.

Preparation & Introduction
  • Define the goals of the workshop.
  • Identify key stakeholders who should participate.
  • Gather relevant market research, competitor analysis, and customer insights.
  • Provide an overview of the purpose and goals of the workshop.
  • Present relevant market trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape to set the context.
  • Review the existing brand positioning if any.
  • Analyze customer feedback, market performance, and areas of strength or weakness.
  • Create or revisit customer personas to ensure a deep understanding of the target audience.
  • Examine the brand positioning of key competitors to identify gaps or areas where the brand can differentiate itself.
  • Identify the core features, benefits, and unique selling points of the product or brand.
  • Map how these features align with customer needs and preferences.
  • Encourage participants to generate ideas for refining or enhancing the brand positioning.
  • Explore different angles, messaging, or potential innovations.
  • Evaluate and prioritize the generated ideas based on their alignment with the brand’s objectives and their potential impact.
  • Develop a concise and compelling statement that communicates the unique positioning the product
    or brand brings to the target audience.
  • Consider the emotional and functional benefits.
  • Share the proposed brand positioning with participants for validation.
  • Gather feedback and make adjustments as needed.
  • Document the finalized brand positioning in a clear and concise format that can be
    easily communicated internally and externally.

Let’s Collaborate!